3 Ways to Supercharge Your Email Open Rate

SuperCharger Ventures
4 min readJun 29, 2021

By Tyreece Yearwood

Laptop screen showing Gmail inbox
Photo by Stephen Phillips - Hostreviews.co.uk on Unsplash

As part of our #SuperChargedInsight series, this blog focuses on how to increase your email open rate and avoid your emails going to spam. If you are interested in SuperCharger Ventures, apply to our EdTech Accelerator Cohort 3.0.

In this day and age, email marketing is in high demand, especially within education technology. For this reason, email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to generate leads and reach your potential clients. Within the EdTech industry, it is common for educators, businesses and professionals to be inundated with hundreds of emails every week. As a result, it is easy for your potential clients to delete your emails without ever reading them, or even worse, your emails are sent directly to spam. It is essential that you know how to incite enough curiosity for clients to open your emails. As a general rule, your email open rate should be over 50%, whilst your reply rate should be around 20%. This is why improving your cold email etiquette is vital to boosting your email marketing strategy.

What is a cold email?

A cold email is a type of email marketing where an initial email is sent to a recipient for the benefit of achieving an opportunity. Cold emails generate email deliverability, which is the percentage of emails that successfully reach a client’s inbox.

3 reasons your emails are going to spam

Rows of tinned spam meat
Photo by Hannes Johnson on Unsplash
  1. You have low mailbox usage

In some cases, emails are sent to inactive accounts, which is a huge red flag for spam. This is why it is crucial that your email marketing campaign includes a list of active email accounts. Cleaning up your email list to subscribers that haven’t interacted with your campaign in a long time can prevent your emails from ending up in spam.

2. Your subject line is weak

One of the most important aspects of email marketing is your subject line. It is a deciding factor as to whether a client opens your email. This is why you must be aware of how to avoid writing subject lines that could flag your emails as spam. Factors such as too many capital letters and exclamation marks, as well as using salesy language are red flags that increase your chances of your emails going to spam.

3. Your IP address is or has been used for spam

Your emails could land in spam folders if your IP address was used as spam in the past. The deliverability of your emails could be affected if you use an email marketing service. Even if one customer sends spam, it could hinder the deliverability of your emails.

3 ways to increase your email open rate

Laptop next to a letter that reads ‘email marketing’
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

We have created a guide to email marketing, so that you can improve your open rate and eliminate the risk of your emails going to spam.

  1. Use email tools to assess your open rate
Screenshot of SuperCharger Ventures 9.5/10 score on MailTester
Photo by SuperCharger Ventures

MailTester is one of the best email marketing tools which allows you to assess your score in terms of your emails landing directly in your clients’ inbox. MailTester educates you on how to achieve deliverability and how to construct cold emails. At SuperCharger Ventures, we have used MailTester to improve our score from 6.2 to 9.5.

2. Personalise your content

It may sound tempting to send out the same email to all of your recipients. However, this increases your chances of your emails landing in spam. Instead, make your content personal to each recipient. An example of this is to include the name of your clients in the subject line, which is sure to entice your clients. You should also make sure that your emails are short and concise in order to keep your recipients engaged.

3. Segmentation

Email list segmentation is an effective way to improve your email marketing strategy. List segmentation allows you to categorise and divide emails depending on a number of factors. List segmentation can increase your open rate by 15%, which allows your recipients to receive emails that are relevant to them.

Final thoughts

It is important to remember that email marketing is successful for EdTech when you appeal to the needs and interests of your recipients. Elements such as formatting your emails in the right ways and avoiding trigger words will help you to yield higher open rates and avoid being sent straight to spam folders.

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SuperCharger Ventures

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