“The Sky Is The Limit When You Have A Good Idea, A Bit Of Bravery, And Grit.”; Interview With Diana Andronic, Founder at FunEasyLearn

SuperCharger Ventures
4 min readSep 8, 2021


This is a photo edit by SuperCharger Ventures

This is part of the EdTech Female Founder (#EFF) interview series brought to you by SuperCharger Ventures.

What inspired you to start your EdTech Founder journey?

Back in 2013 we started learning languages, and we couldn’t find a resource that would help us build a vocabulary. My co-founder and I already had some background in product development at that moment, so we’ve decided to make an app that would help people learn words. As soon as we launched our first app, we realized that our vision is exceptional. Our app had just 5 languages and few words, but people liked it so much that we’ve got a boom of downloads. So, we thought that it was a great opportunity to create a vocabulary-building app for the speakers of as many languages as possible. Years later, we hold the record number of languages on the market- 34 courses that can be learned from 62 native languages.

Describe your company in one sentence.

FunEasyLearn is a science-based language learning app that uses proven methods to help people grow their vocabulary in a foreign language.

What should an aspiring EdTech founder know before initiating their startup journey?

Even though the competition is big, there is always room for more and for better, so don’t let the abundance of existing technologies stop you from entering the EdTech field if that’s what you really want. The sky is the limit when you have a good idea, a bit of bravery, and grit.

What has been the most difficult moment as a founder and how did you overcome it?

One of the most difficult moments in my career as an EdTech Founder was when, due to a sudden change in the store policy, we had to quickly find a solution for uniting all of our apps into one single app. It came to us as a great shock. Too much was at stake, so we had to think on our feet. Fortunately, we’ve managed to come up with a creative solution, and actually, that solution is the new app that has taken us to a whole new level on the EdTech landscape. So, basically, if it wasn’t for that major complication, we wouldn’t have advanced as fast as we did.

What can the EdTech industry do to improve the gender gap?

Just to be fair and provide equal possibilities to people of all genders, and base all the business and investment decisions on the professionalism and personality of a business person, and not on one’s gender. As simple as that. As soon as this condition is respected the gender gap will solve itself out by default.

Can you tell us about a role model of yours?

As unpopular as that might be, I don’t think I have just one. There are so many smart, strong and powerful people who deserve to be praised and applauded for so many various reasons that I think that having just one role model is a bit outdated. I personally prefer to read the biographies of great people, learn about their ups & downs, and draw my own conclusions. It’s my favorite way of self-empowerment. And, over the years, I’ve gathered knowledge from so many role models that I can’t just pick one. It won’t feel right.

Can you tell us an example of when you had to pivot?

It’s hard to choose one because it happens all the time. You have to be flexible if you want to grow a business. Your plan will never cover all the possible situations and mischiefs that might come your way. So, compile a solid plan, start working on it, but always be ready to adapt, improvise and pivot.

What will you consider as success in 5 years from now?

I would consider it my greatest accomplishment if, in 5 years from now, the FunEasyLearn apps could be used in the schools of all the countries of the world, in which we now have individual users — 190+ countries.

Looking back, what advice would you have liked to have received before starting your company?

Don’t get stuck on ideas, and don’t get frustrated when something that seemed very important did not happen. Most likely, it didn’t happen so that it could leave space for something even better.

Anything else You’d like to share?

I consider that the most important thing you need in order to grow a successful business, is to get yourself a great team, and then entrust it with the process, and listen to what it has to say. Every single successful business is nothing if not a great team of highly qualified professionals who know what they’re doing. And, I am forever grateful for having been able to gather such a great team that makes FunEasyLearn such a successful language learning platform.



SuperCharger Ventures
SuperCharger Ventures

Written by SuperCharger Ventures

We are an EdTech accelerator with a track record of helping 49+ startups across the globe raise $500M+.